What is Exercise Physiology?

Scientific study of the body and its response to exercise.

Includes the impact of exercise on disease, disability, injury and human performance.

Utilised to facilitate primary prevention, treatment and management for people with diseases, disorders, conditions, and injuries, including those that are complex and chronic in nature.

To optimise health status, function and independence.

To support people to participate in
activities at home, school, work, and in the community.

Utilised to enhance human performance and mitigate injury risk. Supports the effective return to sport and work following injury.

What is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist (AEP)?

“Accredited Exercise Physiologist” is a health practitioner protected title in Australia.

University qualified allied health professional, with 4-5 years of tertiary education and at least 500 hours of clinical practicum experience.

3 year undergraduate science degree grounded in anatomy, physiology, biology, biomechanics, motor learning, psychology, nutrition, research and statistics with 140 practicum hours in sport, performance, health and fitness settings.

2 year Master’s degree specialising in the clinical management of chronic and complex health conditions in cardio-metabolic, neurological, cardio-respiratory, musculoskeletal pathology domains with 500 clinical practicum hours in hospitals, public and community health facilities, private clinics, workers compensation, aged care and disability facilities.

Accreditation with professional regulatory body Exercise and Sport Science Australia (ESSA) who ensure a high standard of professional conduct and ethical practice through an annual continuing professional program, maintenance of professional indemnity insurance, and a code of conduct and standards.

Recognised by compensable schemes: Medicare, National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA), private health insurance, workers compensation, compulsory third party insurance (CTP), income protection insurance.

Role of AEPs

Assess & measure capacity and function.

Screen for chronic disease risk.

Utilise clinical measurements; blood pressure, heart rate, blood glucose levels, oxygen saturation, electrocardiogram to monitor response to exercise.

Design & deliver safe and effective, evidence-based, clinical exercise interventions to optimise health and function to aid people to participate in their meaningful activities.

Deliver evidence-based education and advice on health, disease, injury, exercise, physical activity, lifestyle and self-management.

Utilise behavioural strategies and counseling skills to enhance intrinsic motivation and to empower people to engage in meaningful physical activity to achieve their health goals.

Health conditions we support people to prevent, treat and manage

We provide services to people across the full health spectrum:

  • “Healthy” people.

  • People at risk of developing a health condition (prevention).

  • People with diagnosed diseases, disorders, disabilities, conditions and injuries, including those that are complex and chronic in nature.

Cardiovascular - heart disease, heart failure, acute myocardial infarction (heart attack), arrhythmias (irregular heartbeat), peripheral artery disease, hypertension, heart valve disease, coronary artery disease.

Metabolic - diabetes (gestational, type 1, type 2), polycystic ovarian syndrome, dyslipidaemias (blood fats).

Neurological - stroke, spinal cord injury, Parkinson’s disease, Cerebral Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Dementia, traumatic brain injury.

Respiratory / pulmonary - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (emphysema, chronic bronchitis, asthma), cystic fibrosis.

Musculoskeletal - osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, injuries (bone,tendon,ligament,muscle, joint) , pre and post-surgical interventions.

Persistent pain , cancers, kidney disease, mental illnesses, age-related functional decline.

Any conditions for which there is evidence that exercise can improve the persons clinical health status.


We share similarities with other professions

  • We have extensive knowledge of the human body with 4-5 years of university experience like physiotherapists.

  • We support people to participate in their desired activities like occupational therapists.

  • We utilise behavioural interventions which include psychologically informed approaches (such as motivational interviewing), relaxation techniques and problem solving skills like counsellors.

  • We design and deliver exercise interventions to improve function, increase strength, power, endurance and capacity like strength & conditioning coaches.

  • We coach, educate, and support people to achieve their health and wellness goals, like personal trainers.

  • with 4-5 years of exercise-specific university experience, Accredited Exercise Physiologists are the experts in clinical exercise interventions.


Rebates and subsidies available 

NDIS, medicare, private health, DVA, workers compensation, CTP.