Exercise Physiology Services
Personalised approach, delivered by Accredited Exercise Physiologists.
NDIS Exercise Physiology
Exercise Therapy - 1:1 and small group gym and hydrotherapy.
Assessments & reports.
Exercise prescription (programs).
Capacity building (resources, advice, and training of supports).
Chronic disease management & injury rehabilitation
1:1 exercise physiology sessions.
Safe and effective exercise interventions, education, advice, lifestyle counselling.
For people with diagnosed medical conditions and/or injuries.
Health and performance
1:1 exercise physiology sessions.
Structured exercise, education, and lifestyle counselling for general and preventative health.
Active ageing - falls presentation, bone and muscle preservation strategies.
Small group (semi-private) Exercise Physiology classes
Specialised exercise interventions delivered in a small group environment.
Osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetes, older adults.
Are you eligible for subsidised services through compensable schemes? NDIS, DVA, Medicare, WorkCover, Private health insurance.
Our process
Your initial appointment is 60-90 minutes in duration. We take the time to listen and learn about you and your unique story. We aim to build a strong foundation on effective communication and shared decision-making.
We acknowledge that you are the expert in understanding your body and behaviour. We seek to:
Learn about your needs, preferences, concerns and previous experiences.
Determine your expectations and explore how you believe we can best support you.
Conduct a thorough clinical assessment to ensure we can support you to exercise safely and effectively.
Measure your current level of functional capacity to inform and tailor your personalised exercise prescription and to give us a baseline to compare to later.
Highlight your strengths and determine the areas where you may like more support.
Develop goals collaboratively that are meaningful and relevant to you. We focus on what is important to you and in line with your values.
We apply an evidence-based approach which integrates the current best scientific research (evidence), our clinical expert opinion, which is adapted to your unique personal context, needs, preferences and values.
Decide together on your best path forward, after considering the different options. We determine an action-orientated plan which considers your schedule, strengths, preferences, barriers and goals.
Our aim is for you to leave your initial assessment feeling informed, supported and excited about what lies ahead!
What to expect during your sessions
A caring and compassionate clinician that is attentive to your needs. We work through a strengths-based, trauma-informed, and size inclusive lens.
Exercise prescription tailored to you, informed by best available scientific evidence and adapted to your preferences, values, goals, and lifestyle.
Sessions that are purposeful and meaningful, with your end goal always in mind. We will support you to step outside of your comfort zone (as guided by you when you are ready).
Support, advice, guidance, and accountability.
A focus on supporting you to build your self-management skills and independence (however this may look to you).